
A fabulous stay at Ritz Carlton, Riyadh, KSA

By Debbie - 11:38 AM

- "How is it like to live in a Palace?"
- "How could I possibly know?" I would reply some days ago.
Until I got to Riyadh.
I was accommodated in the best hotel in the city: the famous Ritz Carlton. So I experienced how it was like to live in a Palace. And be treated like a Princess.
At first, I thought that the building was a restored palace but they told me that it was modeled after traditional Saudi palaces, in order to fit the local culture- the Kings and other rich peoples' luxurious houses in the city.
It was the most amazing and luxurious hotel I have ever stayed.
That was actually my room view!! 
From the marbled everything, the stunning indoor swimming pool with the real-like sky, our amazing suite-rooms, the food, the always friendly and helpful staff... everything was fabulously made. 
We enjoyed for a week the two acres of beautiful and exotic gardens as we pampered ourselves to Saudi hospitality
My farewell surprise!!

Thank you  فندق ريتز كارلتون الرياض!

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3 σχόλια

  1. What an amazing building

  2. Such a fabulous hotel and ever so luxurious, it looks as though it'd be a pleasure to stay at.. and not just because of those delicious cakes! :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
